Monday, May 11, 2009


Preparation time: 30 min


1/2 kilo bhindi
1 onion
1 tomato
1 tsp turmeric
4 tsp rice flour
2 tsp chilli powder
4 garlic pods
2 tsp coriander seeds
2 tsp jeera

Preparation method :

1. wash and chop bhindis

2. grind garlic, jeera , and coriander seeds into coarse powder.

3. In a big bowl add bhendi, chilli powder, salt, turmeric, rice flour, grinded powder, 2 tsp oil, mix well and keep aside.

4. Heat oil in a pan, add above mixture, put a lid and fry well till they are half cooked, then add chopped onions and tomatoes.

5. cook well till they become soft.

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