Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Preparation time: 1 Hr
9 small brinjals
4 medium sized onions
red chillies (according to your taste)
tamarind jucie (diluted)
seaseme seeds
salt to taste
Preparation Method:
1. Cut brinjal into 4 halves, without removing the top stem (as shown in the picture).
2. In a big bowl, add the diluted tamarind pulp, turmeric, salt and boil the cut brinjals untill they are soft. Drain the water and keep them aside.
3. Fry the seaseme seeds in a pan, without adding oil, and keep them aside
4. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan, add chopped onions, red chillies and fry well till the onions become soft
and keep aside till they are cooled.
5. Grind the fried seaseme seeds, onions and salt to a fine paste
6. Stuff the above paste into the boiled brinjals
7. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan and fry the brinjals on all the sides, till they are dark brown (as shown in the picture)
Serve hot with rice and ghee.


Lydia said...

Oh, I am so glad I found your blog. We love South Indian food and your recipes look easy and delicious. Perhaps you could write a post on the best places in Brussels to find the rarer ingredients?

SWATI said...

Hello Lydia, Thanks for visiting my blog. You can find rare indian ingredients at the following food store in Brussels:
Garam Masala Food Store,
Chaussee de wavre 225,
1050 Bruxelles
02/6460447, 0475319732
Am also interested to know, how you go to know about my blog.
Like to know your comments after you tried my recipes.
